11/20/2005 09:53:00 PM

About me

Hello Guys !!,

, I want to introduce my self. I’m a adolescent girl. Alfiatul Fithri’s my name. You can call me Fithri. I life at my simple home in a beautiful village, called Druju. I’m a student at Junior High School One Sidayu at IX grade. Almost all people are familiar with my school. The distance from my home to Junior Gigh School One Sidayu about 7 km. Usually, I go to school by motorcycle. I was born in Gresik and now I’m 14 years old. I just have one sibling, a brother. He’s Ahmad Choiruddin. He’s grade one of Elementary School. He’s school at Elementary School One Banyuurip.

, In fact, I’m a cheerful girl. Sometimes, I can go from normal to be angry on 1,5 seconds if someone try to hurt my heart. Somebody said that I’m beautiful. But I think everyone’s beautiful, right?? And my friends said that I’m short. Why they said like that? In my opinion I’m tall. But it just my opinion, Okey!,,.

, Vivin Firdaus Aftami , she is my best friend. We often share much about our experience each other. She studied at SMPN 1 Sidayu too. You know both of us have same favourite lesson, Biology. I’m very happy in my school. Thats because I have so much amazing friends and close friend.

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